Corn Cakes

What a great side dish – the sweetness of the corn really shines though and makes this a tasty treat that the whole family will love. It’s like a savory pancake with corn and herbs.

Corn Cakes
Corn Cakes

5 servings (2 cakes each)
180 calories per serving

1/2 c white whole wheat flour
1/2 c skim milk
2 large eggs
2 T oil
1/2 t baking powder
Salt and pepper to taste
2 c frozen corn, thawed
¼ c chopped basil and parsley

Whish together flour, eggs, milk, 1 T oil, salt, pepper and baking powder. Add in corn and basil. Working in batches, brush skillet with a bit of oil and spray with Pam and heat to medium high. Using a ¼ c measuring cup, pour batter into cakes about 3 inches wide leaving room in between so you can flip them easily. Cook 2 minutes then flip and cook another 2 minutes.

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