Tag Archives: halibut kabobs

Grill Baskets

Grill baskets are the best invention since sliced bread ! Really 🙂

Mexican Kabobs
Mexican Kabobs

I find threading kabobs too time consuming for the actual results. And I find cooking kabobs over the grill nightmarish as you watch great, tender pieces of onion and tomato slip off the skewer into the coals.

As part of FoodBuzz Daily Specials, I’ll be making a some special posts over the next couple of weeks that relate to a specific topic. Today’s special is about GRILL BASKETS.

And I am passionate about using grill baskets ! Just give them a little spray with Pam, throw in any of the ingredients that you would normally be skewering, toss a few times (like you would a big stir fry) and you come out with food that tastes even better because you don’t get those ‘undone’ patches from where the food was pressed up against other bits. And even better – you don’t lose pieces and prep time is a snap ! So grab yourself a nice big grill basket this season and enjoy !

Here are a few recipes I have posted in the past that recommend use of grill baskets.

Mexican Kabobs

Halibut Kebobs

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