You know the drill 🙂 Throw away the skewers and forget kabobs – get a grill basket instead and make kabob cooking easy like it should be ! Cooking this with the lemon wedges as well as mixing in lemon juice makes this super citrusy and shrimp is just meant to be mixed with citrus.

6 servings
115 calories per serving
3 T honey
¼ c lemon juice
1 T finely chopped parsley
1 ½ lb. uncooked shrimp
3 medium zucchini, cut into 1 inch slices
2 medium summer squash, cut into 1 inch slices
1 small red bell pepper cut into 1 inch wedges
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 small lemon cut into wedges
Mix honey, lemon juice and parsley in a dish. Add shrimp, cover and refrigerate ½ hour. Heat grill and spray a grill basket with Pam. Place shrimp and veggies in basket and grill 12 minutes stirring frequently. Brush more marinade on the fish during the cooking process.