Thanks for all your support for my new app – it has made it to #1 in iTunes today in the Healthcare and Fitness category !!
If you don’t have it yet, please download the FREE version today and take a look !
Thanks for all your support for my new app – it has made it to #1 in iTunes today in the Healthcare and Fitness category !!
If you don’t have it yet, please download the FREE version today and take a look !
To celebrate the launch of my app, I’m going to give away a full copy as a prize on Friday 🙂
All you have to do is show me what you’re cookin’ ! Head on over to the 400 Calories or Less Facebook page, ‘LIKE’ the page and then post a picture of what you’re cookin’ – then on Friday I will pick a winner and send you a promo code so you can get the whole app for FREE!
Right now the free portion of the app has a whopping 40 free recipes – but if you want the whole thing (includes 4 cookbooks) for free, show me what you got going on in your kitchen 🙂 I don’t care if it’s 400 calories or 4000 calories – just snap some pics and get them posted.
If you don’t have an iPhone, iPad or iTouch – you can gift the promo code to whomever you want. So get cooking and get snapping 🙂 See you on the Facebook Fan Page !
Grab the FREE ‘400 Calories or Less’ App for great handpicked recipes for Summer Fun, Kid Friendly Food, Holidays and Entertaining and Dinners from Around the World. If you love it, grab the full versions.
Get it HERE !! And I sure appreciate your leaving a review over at iTunes.