Pomegranates ! One of my favorite fruits. They’re not well know, but they’re well worth getting to know.
While I love them, they are a HUGE pain to prep – just cutting into them leaves you with little stain marks all over the place – no matter how you do it, it can’t be done neatly. But between the unique taste and the healthy benefits, I don’t want to give up pomegranates….and in walks POM WONDERFUL 🙂 This amazing beverage is 100% pomegranate juice…Already all cut up, all squeezed out, and all right there in a cute little bottle just waiting in the refrigerator for you 🙂
Even without all the health benefits, I would drink this up like there’s no tomorrow. I love the rich, tart flavor. I think I am actually addicted to it 😉 And then there’s the recipes….Pom is great for making reduction sauces, as a syrup, in frozen desserts, and as an ingredient in other beverages. It’s versatile, fun, healthy and flavorful.
Be on the lookout – I have about 3 POM recipes coming up for you shortly ! And grab yourself some POM WONDERFUL !